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Anchor University Sacramento's University

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Priority Grants Program

Program Guidelines and Application


Applications for the 2023-2024 grants opened March 6 and closed April 10, 2023. Grant awardees will be announced announced in mid-June.


The maximum award for this grant is $15,000.

The award cycle is July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024.

Applicant(s) can only submit one application and may only apply for one of the grants, not for both.

Applications must be submitted online via InfoReady.


The Priority Grants seeks to fund existing projects that focus on community partnerships and community-based research that will improve the long-term welfare of the Sacramento community, and address at least one of the six priority issues of Anchor University. All projects must advance student success and the University's anti-racism & inclusion efforts. Applicants must engage with one (1) other academic program and with at least one (1) community partner to encourage deep connections within the community (community organization, government agency, non-profit, school, etc.). Additionally, the project should include a plan for sustainability by leveraging anchor funding for future investments.

Those eligible to apply are Sac State faculty members (tenured, tenure track, part-time), staff members, students, and student organizations.

All awardees will be required to document how funds were used and advanced the University's anchor mission, and submit a final impact report at the conclusion of the grant project.

Application Criteria:


  1. The proposed activities must connect directly to Sac State student success inside and outside the classroom, for example, are connected to a course, link to learning outcomes and encourage student engagement and retention.
  2. The proposed activities will have faculty/staff and student roles.
  3. The proposed activities will be interdisciplinary and involve more than one academic program.
  4. The proposed activities will help leverage additional funding to ensure the stability of the project or partnership.
  5. The proposed activities must build off of an existing collaborative community partnership effort associated with Sacramento State in order to facilitate the growth or operational stability of that partnership. Efforts must have been in existence for at least the prior 12 months.
  6. All applicants must have at least one existing community partner organization that is already engaged on the priority issue or project. The community partner organization must provide a letter of support that describes the depth of the existing partnership.
  1. The proposed activities must advance equity, antiracism, and/or social justice in our community and/or on campus.
  2. Projects must align with at least one or more of the following six Anchor priority issue areas:
    • Pre K-12 Education
    • Health and Well-Being
    • Environment, Mobility, and Sustainability
    • Inclusive Economic Opportunity & Workforce Development
    • Arts & Culture
    • Homelessness & Housing


  1. The proposed activities will expand opportunities for collaborative scholarship.
  2. The proposed activities enhance Sacramento State students’ civic engagement skills.
  3. The proposed activities augment a community partner’s research, evaluation, and/or service capacity.


For more information and questions, please contact Anchor University staff at or call (916) 278-8758.

Permissible and Non Permissible Expenses


• Supplies
• Materials
• Equipment
• Mileage reimbursement
• Food, drinks, and refreshments
• Student employment**
(The Student Assistant job classification shall be used for all payments to students. See below for more information.)
• Payment to a non-profit organization or K-12 school
• Payment to non-CSU employed individual to perform services
• Payment to a business to perform services
• Payment to a guest speaker
• Payment to an individual providing training services

**Due to federal law, students without work authorization cannot be paid with General Fund dollars. Campus units looking to hire such students should reach out to the Office of Public Affairs and Advocacy for guidance prior to submitting an application.

With prior approval from manager or Faculty Advancement:

Faculty assigned/ release time or “additional employment” (ex. 3 unit buy out or summer pay) related to the Anchor project, more information from Faculty Advancement

Staff stipend for temporary project coordination or lead work functions related to the Anchor project, more information form HR


• Gift cards
• Tuition assistance or scholarships for enrolled students
• Student stipend
• Paid student internships

Notes on payments to students:

Paid student internships can be allowed when using the Student Assistant job classification. Students in such positions can still be called an “intern” as a working title. If approved by the academic college, academic credit can be offered in accordance with existing University policies and procedures (i.e. with a 195/ 295 course). See below for more information.

Student employment. The University’s existing “Student Assistant” job classification shall be used for students being paid via an Anchor Grants project. Tasks that help students develop skills and gain knowledge are encouraged in Anchor grants. Using the Student Assistant job classification ensures that students earn at least the minimum wage and are covered by the University’s insurance policies. Student employees are expected to take the appropriate CSU Learn training.

Student stipend. Stipends are payments to a student other than a wage. Stipends do not ensure that students receive a minimum wage or that they are covered by a variety of university policies that protect both the student and the university. Student stipends are not permitted with Anchor Grant funds.

Paid student internships. Those looking to create a “paid internship” are directed to use the University’s existing “Student Assistant” job classification which allows for paid internships when done in accordance with University policies and procedures (i.e. a 195 or 295 course). The student can still be called an “intern” as a working title. Anchor funds are not to be awarded to a community partner for them to pay a student with what originally was the University’s funds.

Campus units looking to hire students without work authorization should reach out to the Office of Public Affairs and Advocacy at (916) 278-8758 for guidance prior to submitting an application.

Notes on payments to individuals:

Payments to non-Sacramento State employees, nonprofits, vendors for services, honorariums, and guest speakers, etc. must follow normal Accounts Payable procedures.

Payments to Sacramento State faculty and staff must follow existing HR and Faculty Advancement guidelines for work performed outside of normal job duties. Proposed stipends or assigned time will require prior approval from one’s manager at the time of the application. Once the grant is awarded, the formal process and paperwork will then initiated through the existing staff stipend or assigned time process.